This project pairs Jersey volunteers with local Rwandan teachers to deliver a collaborative teaching programme at GS St Paul Muko School, which serves children and young people facing significant challenges such as displacement and limited access to education. These marginalised students, often referred to locally as “street children,” are eager to learn despite the difficulties they face. Volunteers, who are either serving teachers or experienced educators, will partner with local teachers prior to the visit to build relationships and plan lessons. They will teach large classes with limited resources, focusing on key priorities such as improving spoken and written English, fostering engagement in learning, and providing enrichment through arts and sports.
Local teachers will also benefit from enhanced English skills through co-teaching and dedicated workshops, further supporting their professional development.
Project outcomes:
- Outcome 1: Improved teacher confidence through team teaching to support their methodology in class
- Outcome 2: Improved English language of both teachers and learners through workshops, modelling, and professional interactions
- Outcome 3: Better 'continued professional development' opportunities for female teachers to attend training and work in partnership with Jersey teachers
Applications for this opportunity are currently closed.