International Development Grants

Jersey’s development grants, which are concentrated on three key themes, are selected for their effectiveness in bringing lasting change and because they are areas in which Jersey has skills and knowledge that can be shared.

Target countries

JOA focuses its development grants on six target countries which were selected by measuring three key factors – how much they need outside help; their lower levels of corruption compared to similarly-poor nations; and the strength of their existing links with Jersey.

JOA uses two measures when selecting its target countries: The United Nation’s Human Development Index (HDI), a composite measure of poverty and need, and Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), ranks countries by levels of corruption.

JOA’s focal countries are: Ethiopia, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Zambia.

Target themes

Jersey’s International development grants are concentrated on three key themes - Dairy for Development, Financial Inclusion and Conservation Livelihoods - selected for their effectiveness in bringing lasting change and because they are areas in which Jersey has skills and knowledge that can be shared.

Funding opportunities

Jersey Overseas Aid does not accept unsolicited grant applications for development projects. Instead, JOA’s select partners are invited to bid for support at different times of the year.

For more information on becoming a partner please visit our Partners page.

International Development Grant Timeline

IDG Timeline

Key documents for development agencies

JOA Grant Agreement Template
PDF file, 276KB
Conservation Lives And Livelihoods Strategy
PDF file, 581KB
Dairy For Development Strategy
PDF file, 807KB