JOA Volunteer Programme

Since 1972 Jersey has facilitated parties of volunteers to work with communities in developing countries for up to four weeks.

About Volunteering

Jersey Overseas Aid is delighted to announce a full programme of overseas volunteering opportunities in 2024 based in Nepal, Rwanda, Kenya and Malawi. Jersey residents will get the opportunity to understand more about International Development and most importantly, responsible volunteering. Our JOA volunteering projects are planned to respond to the needs of communities as defined by the communities we work closely with. JOA’s 2024 projects are designed to ensure that they are impactful, in an equal partnership, ensuring sustainable improvements for poor and marginalised people. Working alongside these communities with a shared aim: to improve their quality of life and support their own capacities to help address poverty and inequality in line with Sustainable Development Goals. JOA is also excited to be developing further online volunteering opportunities in Accountancy and Health which it is hoped will launch in the Spring of 2024.

NEW: Volunteering for Accountants opportunity

JOA in partnership with Accounting for International Development (AfID) are offering the opportunity for two Jersey-based finance professionals to volunteer overseas in 2024.

About the 2024 Volunteering Projects (Applications are now closed)

Nepal, April. Gurkha Welfare Trust UK (14 places)

With support from local project partners, the JOA volunteers will assist in the construction of a new secondary school in rural Chitwan. It will be hard work, but there is a job to suit every ability. Participation on this project will enable volunteers to work with an iconic organisation, learn about beneficiaries’ daily lives and the central role community plays in an ever-changing social landscape.

Download the Nepal information pack

Rwanda, May & July/August (in alignment with Jersey school holidays). Hands Around the World Jersey (seven teachers per trip)

This project, in partnership with Jersey Education, enables skilled professionals to work alongside Rwandan teachers in a one-to-one approach.  In addition to classroom-based team-teaching, volunteers will work with local partners to deliver workshops to school staff, focusing on teaching methodologies, working together with the Rwandan school syllabus, exchanging knowledge, skills and experience.

Download the Rwanda information pack (May)

Download the Rwanda information pack (July/August)


Kenya, June. Sand Dams worldwide (14 places)

This project is led by Sand Dams Worldwide and their local partner, the Africa Sand Dam Foundation (ASDF). The project will support a subsistence farming community in Ukambani (a region of South East Kenya, comprising Machakos, Makueni and Kitui Counties) to build a sand dam to provide a reliable, year-round water source.

Download the Kenya information pack

Malawi, July. Habitat For Humanity (12 places)

Partnering with Habitat For Humanity, this Global Village programme in Malawi offers volunteers the opportunity to contribute directly to work on the ground as part of a wider project which will improve the living conditions of the 6,200 people living in Chatata informal settlement.

Download the Malawi information pack


In addition to its volunteering programme, JOA also offers personal and professional bursaries – a number of funding opportunities for Jersey residents who want to gain experience in the development sector. For more information, please ‘click here’ Alternatively, please contact the JOA team at or call on 446901 for more information or for an informal chat.

Frequently asked questions about JOA's Volunteer Programme

What does JOA's Volunteer Programme involve?

JOA works with its partner organisations, charities or Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), to send islanders to volunteer overseas to support initiatives that improve opportunity and wellbeing in some of the world’s poorest communities. Each project is usually formed of about twelve volunteers and is led by an experienced team leader. Volunteers are asked to make a contribution towards their travel expenses and JOA funds the additional costs of the trip. JOA also funds materials and supplies necessary in order to complete each project. Volunteers are expected to participate in training and team-building exercises in the months before departure.

Who can apply to volunteer with JOA?

Anyone living in Jersey who is aged 18 or over is welcome to apply to take part in JOA's Volunteer Programme. Applications from potential volunteers with a minimum of five years’ residency are given preference. 

How many projects have JOA volunteers supported and in what countries?

By 2023 more than 1,000 volunteers had been involved in the delivery of over 100 projects. These include constructing sand dams in Kenya, providing one-to-one care to underprivileged persons with disabilities in Lebanon, improving access to safe and sustainable sanitation facilities in Tanzania, and constructing a day care centre in Mongolia, to provide a secure and caring space for children.

What is the cost of volunteering with JOA?

JOA funds the majority of the cost of its Volunteer Programme, asking participants for a donation of £500 towards travel costs. The Rotary Club of Jersey-de La Manche offers a bursary that can be used to fund the cost of an individual’s trip. In addition, participants can also apply for a JOA bursary to cover their travel contribution.

How do I apply?

Applications for JOA's volunteer programme are open annually, following the launch of opportunities available for that period. Please follow our step-by-step guide on how to apply through our online application portal, SmartSimple.

Are there volunteering opportunities available for islanders who are unable to travel?

JOA is excited to be developing further online volunteering opportunities in Accountancy and Health which it is hoped will launch in the Spring of 2024.

What if I want to volunteer but I work full time?

Many employers have special policies in place which allow employees paid time off for the purposes of volunteering. Check with your organisation to see if there is one in place.